Capitalizing on the synergies among the Pheim Group of companies – At Pheim, we are benefitting from the increased synergies that exceed among the Pheim affiliated entities, comprising of Pheim Asset Management Sdn Bhd, Pheim Asset Management (Asia) Pte Ltd, Pheim Unit Trusts Berhad, and Pheim Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd. These synergies that have been strengthening over time has worked and enhanced the Pheim franchise; broaden the product offerings available from the Pheim Group; and tapping into each other’s market reach.
Pheim Asset Management Sdn Bhd (Pheim Malaysia), a licensed asset management company founded by Dr. Tan Chong Koay, has been in operation since 4 January 1994. It was one of the pioneer boutique asset management companies when the asset management industry in Malaysia was first liberalised. As one of the maiden asset management companies in Malaysia, Pheim Malaysia is licenced under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007, specializing in ASEAN and Asia ex-Japan equity markets. Our clientele consist of high-net-worth individuals, a diverse group of corporate investors that include provident fund and insurance companies as well as retail investors. Pheim Malaysia has successfully established a long-term performance track record that extends to our Islamic funds. The Dana Makmur Pheim and Pheim Asia Ex-Japan Islamic Fund, launched in 2002 and 2006 respectively, have won numerous awards from rating agencies like Refinitiv Lipper and Asia Asset Management over the years.
In view of our track record, the Securities Commission Malaysia has granted a new Islamic Fund Management licence to Pheim Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd (Pheim Islamic), another wholly-owned subsidiary company of Pheim Malaysia, on 4 October 2021. We are ready to tap into the growing demand for Islamic mandates and investment funds, and capitalise on investors’ preference for Islamic or ethical products by offering a wide range of Islamic products to institutional and global investors, and at the same time, help in promoting the development of Malaysia’s Islamic capital market. Pheim Islamic seeks to grow the Islamic fund management industry as an important channel for mobilising human capital as well as developing talent pool to be proficient in the area of Islamic-based investing. This is in-line with the goal of driving the next phase of internationalisation for Malaysia’s Islamic markets given that Islamic wealth management industry has clearly been identified as having significant potential for growth. Pheim Islamic adds value through the nurturing of professionals and enhance the expertise in Islamic fund management, and promoting industry growth through greater investment in Islamic shares and debt securities.
Pheim Unit Trusts Berhad (PUTB or the Manager), started our operation in April 2001, as a Unit Trust Management Company approved by the Securities Commission Malaysia, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary company of Pheim Malaysia. PUTB was formed to cater to the needs of retail investors, and to provide a platform for them to tap into the asset management expertise of Pheim Malaysia and Pheim Islamic. To date, PUTB has launched eight retail products , five of which are Islamic or Islamic funds. The funds are:
Pheim Malaysia’s affiliated company in Singapore, Pheim Asset Management (Asia) Pte Ltd (Pheim Singapore), began operations as an Exempt Fund Manager in January 1995 and became one of the first two boutique fund managers in Singapore to be granted the Investment Adviser – Boutique Fund Manager Licence by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in 1999. In March 2002, it went on to become the first boutique fund manager in Singapore to be granted a full Investment Adviser’s (IA) Licence [now known as Capital Markets Services (Fund Management) Licence].
We continue to grow alongside Pheim Singapore to extend our reach to institutional and high-net-worth investors in the region through establishing new channels for international distribution by tapping into the existing marketing infrastructure of Pheim Singapore.
At Pheim, we endeavour to provide the best services to you and we are committed in maximizing your investment returns while undertaking a reasonable level of risk.
At Pheim, we always believe, Your Need is our Focus.