Quick contact info

4th Floor, UBN Tower (Letter Box 18), Jalan P.Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Quick contact info

Pheim Asset Management Sdn Bhd 4th Floor, UBN Tower (Letter Box 18), Jalan P.Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm Tel: +(603) 2031 6047 Fax: +(603) 2031 6048 Email: pheim@pheim.com.my


We are pleased to announce a 1:1 unit split for existing unit holders of Dana Makmur Pheim Fund on 25 August 2017.

With this unit-split exercise for the Fund, unit holders will receive one new unit for every one unit held, while maintaining the value of total holdings.

Dana Makmur Pheim aims to provide unit holders with steady income and some prospects for capital appreciation (income and growth) in the longer term. The Fund invests in a balanced portfolio of Shariah-compliant equities and sukuk subject to a maximum of 60% in Shariah-compliant equities and a minimum of 40% in sukuk and Islamic liquid assets. All investments are made in accordance to Shariah requirements.

Dana Makmur Pheim has demonstrated a consistent performance since its inception on 28 January 2002. The Fund won five individual awards at The Edge-Thomson Reuters Lipper Fund Awards 2017. The Fund won the awards for Best Mixed Asset MYR Balanced (Provident) in the three and five-year categories and Best Mixed Asset MYR Balanced (Islamic) in the three, five and ten-year categories. Since the Fund was launched in January 2002, the Fund took home fourteen The Edge-Lipper Fund Awards. The Fund has achieved a total return of 325.86% since inception, with an annualized return of 9.77% p.a. as at end of July 2017.