Encik Khirwan Mus Bin Wahap

Encik Khirwan Mus Bin Wahap holds the Bachelor of Science in Business Administrations, Travel Industry Management at Hawaii Pacific University, USA and graduated in Year 1999. After his graduation, Encik Khirwan returned to Malaysia and worked in the tourism industry for almost 2 years.
In Year 2001, Encik Khirwan joined PUTB as the compliance officer for 7 years and responsible for ensuring the Manager is in compliance with the capital market regulations.
Encik Khirwan was then transferred to Pheim Malaysia as the Financial Analyst for 3 years and subsequently becomes the Senior Central Dealer for more than 10 years. Subsequently, Encik Khirwan was transferred to Pheim Islamic when it was licensed by the Securities Commission Malaysia as a Capital Markets Services License holder.