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4th Floor, UBN Tower (Letter Box 18), Jalan P.Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Quick contact info

Pheim Asset Management Sdn Bhd 4th Floor, UBN Tower (Letter Box 18), Jalan P.Ramlee, 50250 Kuala Lumpur Monday-Friday: 9am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm Tel: +(603) 2031 6047 Fax: +(603) 2031 6048 Email: pheim@pheim.com.my
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Pheim Asia Ex-Japan Fund

Fund Goals / Features

Pheim Asia Ex-Japan Fund strives to provide the best possible return in the long-term by investing primarily in Asian markets excluding Japan.

Suitable for investors who:

Have a long-term investment horizon;

Are interested to diversify their portfolios to include investments in the countries in the Asia Pacific region excluding Japan rather than a restricted portfolio of domestic securities;

Have a higher risk profile.

Equity/Growth Fund

Asset Allocation & Benchmark

The Fund adopts an investment policy and strategy by investing in a portfolio of Securities listed on the stock exchanges of the Asia Pacific region excluding Japan with focus in ASEAN countries, Hong Kong SAR, China, Taiwan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand and India. The asset allocation of the Fund, as a percentage of the NAV of the Fund, is at minimum 70% and maximum 95% of the NAV of the Fund in Equity or Equity-Related Securities, and remaining balance will be invested in Fixed Income Instruments and Liquid Assets. The performance benchmark of this Fund is  the MSCI AC Asia Ex-Japan Index.

Fund Performance – Last 5 Years

Annual Return 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Fund 11.31% 28.25% 1.83% -13.35% -1.68%
Benchmark* 14.18% 20.35% -2.96% -17.06% 8.06%
Outperformance -2.87% +7.90% +4.79% +3.71% -9.74%

Cumulative Return

(1 year – 5 years)

1 year


2 years

(2019 – 2020)

3 years

(2019 – 2021)

4 years

(2019 – 2022)

5 years

(2019 – 2023)


(Since 1 January 2019)

11.31% 42.75% 45.36% 25.96% 23.84%


(Since 1 January 2019)

14.18% 37.42% 33.35% 10.60% 19.51%
Outperformance -2.87% +5.33% +12.01% +15.37% +4.33%

Source: LSEG Lipper.IM & Bloomberg

* MSCI AC Asia Ex–Japan Index

Fund Performance – Since Inception

Source: LSEG Lipper.IM & Bloomberg

Fund Performance: 3-,5-,10-year periods and total return since inception

As at 31 December 2023

Period Fund Performance Benchmark*
3-Year -13.25% -13.03%
5-Year 23.84% 19.51%
10-Year 38.76% 63.16%
Since Inception 62.26% 121.23%
Annualised Return

Since Inception

2.81% p.a. 4.65% p.a.

Source: LSEG Lipper.IM & Bloomberg
*MSCI AC Asia Ex-Japan Index

Fund Awards & Accolade – LSEG Lipper Fund Awards

Over the past 17 years since inception, Pheim Asia Ex-Japan Fund has established a good long-term performance track record and won a total of eight (8) LSEG Lipper Fund Awards.

In 2024, Pheim Asia Ex-Japan Fund has won for the 4th consecutive year the LSEG Lipper Fund Awards for the 5-year period ended 31 December 2023 for Best Fund under the Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan category for the Malaysia universe.

At its best, Pheim Asia Ex-Japan Fund also has won for the 3rd consecutive year the LSEG Lipper Fund Awards for the 3-year period ended 31 December 2020, 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2022, respectively.

It is also worth to note that, in 2021, the Fund has won three (3) LSEG Lipper Fund Awards (Malaysia) for Best Fund under Equity Asia Pacific ex Japan category for all the 3-year, 5-year, and 10-year periods ended 31 December 2020, demonstrating the Best Lipper Ratings for Consistent Return, measuring the Fund’s historical risk adjusted returns, relative to its peers.

Fund Key Information

Pheim Asia Ex-Japan Fund
Category/Type of Fund Equity/Growth
Launch Date 30 June 2006
Fund Size @ 31 Dec 2023 RM 6.3 million
Investment Manager Pheim Asset Management Sdn Bhd
Trustee Maybank Trustees Bhd
Maximum Sales Charge 5%
Annual Management Fee 1.5%
Annual Trustee Fee


Initial Offer Price RM 1.00
NAV/Unit @ 31 Dec 2023 (Adjusted for distribution since inception)

RM 0.9903

(RM 1.5455)

Min. initial investment RM 1,000
Min. Additional investment RM 100